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Setting Up the XMPP Bridge

Element On-Premise Documentation Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring the XMPP Bridge The XMPP bridge relies on the xmpp "component" feature. It is an equi...

Updated 1 day ago by Gaƫl Goinvic


Element On-Premise Documentation

Introduction to Troubleshooting Troubleshooting the Element Installer comes down to knowing a lit...

Updated 2 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Single Node Installations

Element On-Premise Documentation

Installing a Standalone Server Overview Our installer can handle the installation of environments...

Updated 2 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Setting Up Jitsi and TURN With the Installer

Element On-Premise Documentation Integrations and Add-Ons

Configure the Installer to install Jitsi and TURN Prerequisites Firewall You will have to open th...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

OpenID Connect

Element Cloud Documentation Authentication

Your homeserver can be configured to authenticate its users with an OpenID Connect provider. Here...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

The Secure Border Gateway

EMS Knowledge Base

The Secure Border Gateway (SBG) is an HTTP proxy designed to filter and analyze Matrix traffic be...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Migrate From Self-Hosted to EMS

Element Cloud Documentation Element Matrix Services

Notes Before starting with this guide, please contact EMS support from

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Using 'Unified Push' and 'ntfy' for Push Notifications

Element Support Element Android/iOS Client Settings

What is Unified Push? UnifiedPush is a set of specifications and tools that lets the user choo...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Setting Up the IRC Bridge

Element On-Premise Documentation Integrations and Add-Ons

Matrix IRC Bridge The Matrix IRC Bridge is an IRC bridge for Matrix that will pass all IRC messag...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Telegram Bridge

Element Cloud Documentation Integrations

This guide explains how to use the Telegram bridge from the EMS Integration Manager to integrate ...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Migration from self-hosted to ESS On-Premise

Element On-Premise Documentation

Notes Migrate from self hosted to Element Starter / ESS On-Premise Preparation This section outli...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Setting Up the Skype for Business Bridge

Element On-Premise Documentation Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring the Skype for Business Bridge Domains and certificates The first step in preparing a ...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Recovering a Matrix Account

Element Support Matrix Account Management

Disclaimer: This guide refers to using the Element Matrix clients, Element Web or Element Deskt...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Changing a Matrix Account password

Element Support Matrix Account Management

Disclaimer: This guide refers to using the Element Matrix clients, Element Web or Element Deskt...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Setting Up the Telegram Bridge

Element On-Premise Documentation Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring Telegram bridge On Telegram platform Login to to get a telegram app ...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Securing a Matrix Account

Element Support Matrix Account Management

Disclaimer: This guide refers to using the Element Matrix clients, Element Web or Element Deskt...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Managing a Room: Advanced Room Management

Element Support Matrix Rooms

Disclaimer: This guide refers to using the Element Matrix clients, Element Web or Element Deskt...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Frequently Asked Questions

Element Cloud Documentation

Element General Can spaces be deleted? Spaces in Matrix are just rooms with some extra meta...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Managing a Room: Room Settings

Element Support Matrix Rooms

Disclaimer: This guide refers to using the Element Matrix clients, Element Web or Element Deskt...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle

Understanding Matrix Spaces

Element Support Matrix Spaces

Matrix Spaces are a way to group multiple rooms together. Rooms can be in multiple spaces at on...

Updated 4 days ago by Twilight Sparkle