Element Knowledge and Documentation
Element Server Suite.On-Premise

What is Element Server Suite?
Element Server Suite provides an enterprise-grade secure communications platform that you can deploy into your environment.

Requirements and Recommendations
Find out what you need to start deploying Element Server Suite and our recommendations for a successful deployment.

Installing Element Server Suite
Ready to install?
Follow our detailed installation guide that takes you through each section of the installer.
Element Matrix Services.Cloud

How to get an EMS Homeserver?
Get started with your own fully managed deployment of Element Server Suite on the EMS Cloud.

Frequently Asked Questions
Find helpful answers to the questions customers frequently ask about Element Matrix Services.

Integrations Documentation
Want to expand your homeserver with Integrations, check out the Integrations documentation.
End User Guides.

Platform-agnostic (ESS / EMS) documentation for Matrix, the Element clients as well as troubleshooting information.

End User
A quick start end user guide for how to use our Element Web Matrix client. Covering registration, verification, messaging and more.

Your Element Accounts
Learn more about the differences between your EMS Account and your Matrix Account(s) to understand what each is used for.
Archived Documentation.

Element Server Suite LTS 23.10
LTS 23.10 Documentation

Element Enterprise Installer
Archived PDF documentation for Element Enterprise Installer