Element Knowledge and Documentation
Element Server Suite Documentation.
What is Element Server Suite?
Element Server Suite provides an enterprise-grade secure communications platform that you can deploy into your environment.
Requirements and Recommendations
Find out what you need to start deploying Element Server Suite and our recommendations for a successful deployment.
Installing Element Server Suite
Ready to install?
Follow our detailed installation guide that takes you through each section of the installer.
DeploymentElement Matrix Services.
CloudHow to get an EMS Homeserver?
Get started with your own fully managed deployment of Element Server Suite on the EMS Cloud.
Self-HostedFrequently KubernetesAsked Questions
DeployFind helpful answers to the questions customers frequently ask about Element ServerMatrix Suite into your Kubernetes Environment.Services.
Self-HostedIntegrations Single NodeDocumentation
DeployWant Elementto Serverexpand Suiteyour ontohomeserver awith singleIntegrations, servercheck forout environmentsthe withoutIntegrations Kubernetes.documentation.
IntegrationsEnd andUser Add-OnsGuides.
Cloud Integrations and Add-OnsElement
GetPlatform-agnostic started(ESS enabling/ add-onsEMS) anddocumentation integratingfor thirdMatrix, party services into your EMS hostedthe Element Serverclients Suite.as well as troubleshooting information.
Self-HostedEnd IntegrationsUser
A quick start end user guide for how to use our Element Web Matrix client. Covering registration, verification, messaging and Add-Ons
Get started enabling add-ons and integrating third party services into your self-hosted Element Server Suite.
Manage Your Cloud Server
Get started with your newly created EMS instance of Element Server Suite.more.
ManageYour Element Accounts
Learn more about the differences between your Self-HostedEMS ServerAccount
Get started withand your newlyMatrix createdAccount(s) self-hostedto instanceunderstand ofwhat Elementeach Serveris Suite.used for.