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Dehydrated devices.

Enabling Dehydrated Devices Support

To enable the dehydrated devices feature via the admin console in the Element Server Suite, follow these steps. This process assumes you have access to the admin console and the necessary permissions to make these changes.

Step 1:

Access the Admin Console

  1. LogRun inthe ESS Installer:
    • ./element-enterprise-graphical-installer-YYYY-MM.VERSION-gui.bin
    • Access the installer GUI from the link outputted by the installer to the Admin Console:
      • Navigate to the URL of your Element Admin Console.
      • Log in with your admin credentials.console.

Step 2: Configure

Enable the .well-knownExperimental Endpoint

Feature in Synapse
  1. Navigate to Configurationthe Settings:Additional config from the Synapse Section:

    • In the admininstaller console,GUI, goaccess the Synapse section, expand Advanced and find the Additional config section.
  2. Enable the Experimental Feature:

    • Add or modify the configuration to include:

        msc3814_enabled: true
  3. Save your changes:

    • Save the changes in the installer GUI.

Configure the .well-known Endpoint

  1. Navigate to the Additional Client Configuration config from the .Well-Known Section:

    • In the installer GUI, access the Well-Known section whereof youthe caninstaller managefrom configurationthe settingsIntegrations for your Element Server Suite.section.
  2. Add the .well-known Key:

    • Locate the settings for the .well-known/matrix/client configuration.

    • Add the following key-value pair:

        "org.matrix.msc3814": "true"
  3. Save and Apply Changes:

    • Save the changes in the admininstaller console.GUI.

Deploy your ESS changes

  1. Ensure Click Deploy and wait for reconcilliation to complete:
    • Your Synapse and Well-Known pods should be recreated with the configurationupdated is deployed and active.configuration.

StepTesting 3:Dehydrated Enable the Experimental Feature in SynapseDevices

  1. Navigate to Synapse Configuration:

    • In the admin console, find the configuration settings for Synapse.
  2. Enable the Experimental Feature:

    • Locate the experimental_features section.

    • Add or modify the configuration to include:

        msc3814_enabled: true
  3. Save and Restart Synapse:

    • Save the changes in the admin console.
    • Restart the Synapse service from the admin console if this option is available, or apply the changes as instructed by the admin console.

Step 4:

Enable the Feature invia Element Web

 (per User)
  1. Navigate to Element Web Configuration:and sign-in:

    • In the admin console, goGo to the configuration settings for Element Web.Web client and sign-in as the user you wish to test dehydrated devices on.
  2. AddEnable theDehydrated Experimental Feature:Devices:

    • Ensure the configuration includes the settingGo to recognizeSettings thethen experimentalSecurity feature.& AddPrivacy, orthen modifyenable thedehydrated relevantdevices section:

      {your "features": {
          "msc3814_enabled": true
  3. Save and Apply Changes:

    • Save the changes in the admin console.
    • Ensure the configuration is deployed and active.account.

Step 5:

Test the Configuration

  1. Log in to Account A:

    • Ensure Account A has only one active web session.
    • Ensure you have enabled device dehydration.
    • Log out of Account A.
  2. Send a Message from Account B to Account A:

    • Using Account B, send a message to Account A.
  3. Log Back into Account A and Verify:

    • Log in to Account A again.
    • Verify the account using the recovery key.

Account A should be able to read the message sent by Account B, despite having no logged-in sessions when the message was sent.

Additional Notes

  • Web Client and iOS Only:

    • The dehydrated devices feature works only on theElement web clientWeb and iOS. Ensure you are using one of these clients to test the feature.
  • Verification:

    • After logging back into Account A, you should see the message sent by Account B.
    • The recovery process should function smoothly, leveraging the dehydrated devices feature.


By following these steps via the admin console of the Element Server Suite, you will enable the dehydrated devices feature. This involves configuring the .well-known endpoint, enabling the feature in Synapse, and ensuring the Element Web client recognizes the experimental feature. Test the setup thoroughly to confirm that everything is working as expected.