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Single Node Scope of Coverage Addendum
- List of what is supported for this setup exists.
- Element supports the installation of microk8s using our installer on all installer supported platforms.
- Element supports upgrading microk8s using our installer on all installer supported platforms.
- Element supports the installation, configuration, and maintenance of our on-premise software delivered by the installer running on microk8s.
- Element provides diagnosis and bug fixes for our on-premise software delivered by the installer running on microk8s.
- List of what is not supported in this setup exists.
- Element does not support the underlying operating system.
- Element does not support deployment to microk8s that was installed separately from our installer.
- Element does not provide a backup solution.
- Element does not provide support for any underlying storage.
- Create a checklist of what makes a single node production workload.
- RHEL 8+ or Ubuntu 20.04+
- microk8s installed and running.
- Customer provided backup solution in place.
- Customer managed storage in place.
- synapse, haproxy, and element-web all running.
- Optionally, dimension, adminbot, auditbot, group sync, and hookshot may be running as well.