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Synapse Section: Delegated Auth

LDAP on Windows AD



  • Base: the.
    The distinguished name of the root level Org Unit in your LDAP directory.
    • The distinguished name can be displayed by selecting View / Advanced Features in the Active Directory console and then, right-clicking on the object, selecting Properties / Attributes Editor.

    • Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 17.31.24.png
  • Bind Dn: theDN.
    The distinguished name of the LDAP account with read access.
  • Filter: an.
    A LDAP filter to filter out objects under the LDAP Base DN.
  • Uri: theURI.
    The URI of your LDAP server.server (ldap://
    • This is often your Domain Controller)Controller, can also pass in ldaps:// for SSL connectivity.
    • The following are the typical ports for Windows AD LDAP servers:
      • ldap://ServerName:389
      • ldaps://ServerName:636
  • LDAP Bind Password: the.
    The password of the AD account with read access.
  • LDAP Attributes.
    • Mail.
    • Name.
    • UID.

    screencapture-3-76-146-148-8443-synapse-2023-05-04-17_33_17 copy.png

OpenID on Microsoft Azure

Before settingconfiguring upwithin the installer, you have to configure Microsoft Azure Active Directory.

Set up Microsoft Azure Active Directory

  • You need to create an App registration.

  • You have to select Redirect URI (optional) and set it to the following, where matrix is the subdomain of Synapse and is your base domain as configured on the Domains section:

Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 16.30.06.png

For the bridge to be able to operate correctly, navigate to API permissions, add Microsoft Graph APIs, choose Delegated Permissions and addadd:

  • openid

  • profile

  • email

Remember to grant the admin consent for those.

To setup the installer, you'll needneed:

  • the

    The Application (client) ID

  • the

    The Directory (tenant) ID

  • a

    A secret generated from Certificates & secretsSecrets on the app.

Configure the installer


  • IdP Name.
    A user-facing name for this identity provider, which is used to offer the user a choice of login mechanisms in the Element UI.
  • IdP ID.
    A string identifying your identity provider in theyour 'Synapse'configuration, configurationthis after enabling Delegated Auth and set the following fields in the installer:

    • Allow Existing Users: if checked, it allows a user logging in via OIDC to match a pre-existing account instead of failing. This couldwill be usedauto-generated iffor switchingyou from(but passwordcan loginsbe to OIDC.

    • AuthorizationIdP Endpoint:Brand.
      An optional brand for this identity provider, allowing clients to style the oauth2login authorizationflow endpoint.according Requiredto ifthe identity provider in question.

    • Issuer.
      The OIDC issuer. Used to validate tokens and (if discovery is disabled.enabled) to discover the provider's endpoints. Use<DirectoryDIRECTORY_TENNANT_ID/v2.0 replacing DIRECTORY_TENNANT_ID.
    • Client Auth Method.
      Auth method to use when exchanging the token. Set it to Client Secret Post or any method supported by your IdP.
    • Client ID.
      Set this to your Application (tenant)client) ID>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize

    • Client Secret.
      Set this to the secret value defined under "Certificates and secrets".
    • Scopes.
      By default openid, profile and email are added, you shouldn't need to modify these.
    • User Mapping Provider.
      Configuration for how attributes returned from a OIDC provider are mapped onto a matrix user.
      • Localpart Template.
        Jinja2 template for the localpart of the MXID.
        Set it to {{ user.preferred_username.split('@')[0] }}.
      • Display Name Template.
        Jinja2 template for the display name to set on first login.
        If unset, no displayname will be set. Set it to {{ }}.
    • Discover.
      Enable / Disable the use of the OIDC discovery mechanism to discover endpoints.

    • Backchannel Logout Enabled: .
      Synapse supports receiving OpenID Connect Back-Channel Logout notifications. This lets the OpenID Connect Provider notify Synapse when a user logs out, so that Synapse can end that user session. This property has to bet set to https://your-domain/ your identity providerprovider, where matrix is the subdomain of Synapse and is your base domain as configured on the Domains section.
OpenID on Microsoft AD FS


SAML on Microsoft Azure

Screenshot 2023-05-02 at 15.39.56.pngBefore setting up the installer, you have to configure Microsoft Entra ID.

Set up Microsoft Entra ID

With an account with enough rights, go to : Enterprise Applications

  1. Click on New Application
  2. Click on Create your own application on the top left corner
  3. Choose a name for it, and select Integrate any other application you don't find in the gallery
  4. Click on "Create"
  5. Select Set up single sign on
  6. Select SAML
  7. ClientEdit Authon MethodBasic SAML Configuration

  8. In Identifier , add the following URL : authhttps://synapse_fqdn/_synapse/client/saml2/metadata.xml method
  9. Remove the default URL
  10. In Reply URL , add the following URL : https://synapse_fqdn/_synapse/client/saml2/authn_response
  11. Click on Save

  1. Make a note of the App Federation Metadata Url under SAML Certificates as this will be required in a later step.
  2. Edit on Attributes & Claims
  3. Remove all defaults for additional claims
  4. Click on Add new claim to use when exchangingadd the token.following Set(suggested) itclaims (the UID will be used as the MXID):
    • Name: uid , Transformation : ExtractMailPrefix , Parameter 1 : user.userprincipalname
    • Name: email , Source attribute : user.mail
    • Name: displayName , Source attribute : user.displayname
  5. Click on Save

  1. In the application overview screen select Users and Groups and add groups and users which may have access to element

Configure the installer

Add a SAML provider in the 'Synapse' configuration after enabling ClientDelegated Secret PostAuth orand anyset methodthe supportedfollowing by(suggested) yourfields Idpin the installer:

  • Allow Unknown Attributes.
  • Attribute Map.
    Select URN:Oasis:Names:TC:SAML:2.0:Attrname Format:Basic as the Identifier
  • ClientMapping.
    Set ID
    :the yourfollowing mappings:

    • From: ApplicationPrimary (client)Email IDTo: email

    • From:

      DiscoverFirst Name: enable/disableTo: the use of the OIDC discovery mechanism to discover endpoints

    • Idp Brand: an optional brand for this identity provider, allowing clients to style the login flow according to the identity provider in question

    • Idp ID: a string identifying your identity provider in your configuration

    • Idp Name: A user-facing name for this identity provider, which is used to offer the user a choice of login mechanisms in the Element UI. In the screenshot bellow,From: IdpLast Name is set toTo: Azure ADlastname

    Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 10.45.23.png

    • Issuer: the OIDC issuer. Used to validate tokens and (if discovery is enabled) to discover the provider's endpoints<Directory (tenant) ID>/v2.0
    • Token Endpoint: the oauth2 authorization endpoint. Required if provider discovery is disabled.
    • Client Secret: your secret value defined under "Certificates and secrets"

    Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 15.20.20.png

    • Scopes: add every scope on a different line

      • The openid scope is required which translates to the Sign you in permission in the consent UI
      • You might also include other scopes in this request for requesting consent. Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 17.27.00.png
    • Entity.

      • Description.
      • Entity ID. (From Azure)
      • Name.
    • User Mapping Provider:Provider.
      Set Configurationthe for how attributes returned from a OIDC provider are mapped onto a matrix user. Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 11.06.39.png

      • LocalpartMXID TemplateMapping: Jinja2 template for the localpart of the MXID. Set it to {{ user.preferred_username.split('@')[0] }}Dotreplace for Azure AD
      • DisplayMXID NameSource TemplateAttribute: Jinja2 template for the display name to set on first login. If unset, no displayname will be set. Set it to {{ }}uidfor Azure AD

      Other configurations are documented here.


  • on
  • MicrosoftMetadata ADURL.
    Add FSthe

    SAMLApp onFederation MicrosoftMetadata Azure

    URL from Azure.