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Setting Up the Telegram Bridge

Configuring Telegram bridge

On Telegram platform

  • Login to to get a telegram app ID and hash (get from ). You should use a phone number associated to your company.

Basic config

From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "Telegram Bridge".

For the provided telegram.yml file, please see the following options:

  • postgres_create_in_cluster: true to create the postgres db into the k8s cluster. On a standalone deployment, it is necessary to define the postgres_data_path.
  • postgres_fqdn: The fqdn of the postgres server. If using postgres_create_in_cluster, you can choose the name of the workload.
  • postgres_data_path: "/mnt/data/telegram-postgres"
  • postgres_port: 5432
  • postgres_user: The user to connect to the db.
  • postgres_db: The name of the db.
  • postgres_password: A password to connect to the db.
  • telegram_fqdn: The FQDN of the bridge for communicating with Telegram and using public login user interface.
  • max_users: Max number of users enabled on the bridge.
  • bot_username: The username of the bot for users to manage their bridge connectivity.
  • bot_display_name: The display name of the bot.
  • bot_avatar: An mx content URL to the bot avatar.
  • admins: The list of admins of the bridge.
  • enable_encryption: true to allow e2e encryption in bridge.
  • enable_encryption_by_default: true to enable by default e2e encryption on every chat created by the bridge.
  • enable_public_portal: true to give the possibility to users to login using the bridge portal UI.
  • telegram_api_id: The telegram API ID you got from telegram platform.
  • telegram_api_hash: The telegram api hash you got from telegram platform.

For the specified telegram_fqdn, you will need to provide a crt/key PEM encoded key pair in ~/.element-enterprise-server/config/legacy/certs prior to running the installer. If our hostname were telegram.airgap.local, the installer will expect to find telegram.airgap.local.crt and telegram.airgap.local.key in the ~/.element-enterprise-server/config/legacy/certs` directory. If you are using Let's Encrypt, you do not need to add these files.

You will need to re-run the installer after making changes for these to take effect.


  • Talk to the telegram bot to login to the bridge. See Telegram Bridge starting at "Bridge Telegram to your Element account". Instead of addressing the bot as that document explains, use "@bot_username:domain" as per your setup.