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Kubernetes Override Sections

Found in under Advanced in any section where you configure a component of the installer, under the Kubernetes heading. Here you can override Kubernetes configuration for each component.



In Kubernetes, annotations are key-value pairs associated with Kubernetes objects like pods, services, and nodes. Annotations are meant to be used for non-identifying metadata and are typically used to provide additional information about the objects. Unlike labels, which are used for identification and organization, annotations are more free-form and can contain arbitrary data.

Annotations are often used for various purposes, such as:

  • Documentation: Providing additional information about a resource that might be useful for administrators or developers.
  • Tooling Integration: Integrating with external tools or automation systems that rely on specific metadata.
  • Customisation: Storing configuration information that affects the behavior of controllers, operators, or custom tooling.
  • Audit Trailing: Capturing additional information for audit or tracking purposes.



See Annotations

Depending on the component you are viewing, you may see Limits and Requests broken out for each sub-component applicable to that component. When configuring Element Web you will only see the Limits and Requests config, for Integrator however, you will see Limits and Requests for each sub-component; Appstore; Integrator; Modular Widgets; and Scalar Web.




Depending on the component you are viewing, you may see Limits and Requests broken out for each sub-component applicable to that component. When configuring Element Web you will only see the Limits and Requests config, for Integrator however, you will see Limits and Requests for each sub-component; Appstore; Integrator; Modular Widgets; and Scalar Web.


Security Context

Docker Secrets

Host Aliases