Starting and Stopping ESS Services
Stopping a component
To stop a component, such as Synapse
, it is necessary to stop the operator :
kubectl scale deploy/element-operator-controller-manager -n operator-onprem --replicas 0
Once the operator is stopped, you can delete the Synapse resource to remove all Synapse workloads :
kubectl delete synapse/first-element-deployment -n element-onprem
To get a list of resources that you can remove, you can look at the following command :
kubectl get elementdeployment/first-element-deployment -n element-onprem --template='{{range $key, $value := .status.dependentCRs}}{{$key}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'
Starting a component
To stop a component, such as Synapse
, it is necessary to start the operator :
kubectl scale deploy/element-operator-controller-manager -n operator-onprem --replicas 1
Because the Synapse
resource will automatically have been recreated by the updater
, the operator on startup will automatically detect it and recreate all synapse workloads.