Setting Up the SIP Bridge
Configuring SIP bridge
Basic config
From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "SIP Bridge"
For the provided sipbridge.yml, please see the following documentation:
- `postgres_create_in_cluster`: `true` to create the postgres db into the k8s cluster. On a standalone deployment, it is necessary to define the `postgres_data_path`.
- `postgres_fqdn`: The fqdn of the postgres server. If using `postgres_create_in_cluster`, you can choose the name of the workload.
- `postgres_data_path`: "/mnt/data/sipbridge-postgres"
- `postgres_port`: 5432
- `postgres_user`: The user to connect to the db.
- `postgres_db`: The name of the db.
- `postgres_password`: A password to connect to the db.
- `port_type`: `HostPort` or `NodePort` depending on which kind of deployment you want to use. On standalone deployment, we advise you to use `HostPort` mode.
- `port`: The port on which to configure the SIP protocol. On `NodePort` mode, it should be in kubernetes range:
- `enable_tcp`: `true` to enable TCP SIP.
- `pstn_gateway`: The hostname of the PSTN Gateway.
- `external_address`: The external address of the SIP Bridge
- `proxy` : The address of the SIP Proxy
- `user_agent`: A user agent for the sip bridge.
- `user_avatar`: An MXC url to the sip bridge avatar. Don't define it if you have not uploaded any avatar.
- `encryption_key`: A 32 character long secret used for encryption. Generate this with `pwgen 32 1`