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Setting up On-Premise Metrics

Setting up prometheus and grafana (Starting from installer 2022-08.02)

  • Copy sample file from config-sample/prometheus/prom.yml to the prometheus sub-directory within your config folder

  • If you want to write prometheus data to a remote prometheus instance, please define these 4 variables :

    • remote_write_url: The URL of the endpoint to which to push remote writes
    • remote_write_external_labels: The labels to add to your data, to identify the writes from this cluster
    • remote_write_username: The username to use to push the writes
    • remote_write_password: The password to use to push the writes
  • You can configure which prometheus components you want to deploy :

  • deploy_prometheus: true to deploy prometheus

  • deploy_node_exporter: requires prometheus deployment. Set to true to gather data about the k8s nodes.

  • deploy_kube_control_plane_monitoring: requires prometheus deployment. Set to true to gather data about the kube controle plane.

  • deploy_kube_state_metrics: requires prometheus deployment. Set to true to gather data about kube metrics.

  • deploy_element_service_monitors: Set to true to create ServiceMonitor resources into the K8S cluster. Set it to true if you want to monitor your element services stack using prometheus.

  • You can choose to deploy grafana on the cluster :

    • deploy_grafana: true
    • grafana_fqdn: The FQDN of the grafana application
    • grafana_data_path: /mnt/data/grafana
    • grafana_data_size: 1G
  • If doing a POC with self-signed certificates:

    • verify_tls : Optional. If doing a POC with self-signed certificates, set this to 0. Defaults to 1.

After running the installer, open the FQDN of Grafana. The initial login user is admin and password is admin. You'll be required to set a new password, please define one secured and keep it in a safe place.