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Setting up On-Premise Metrics

Configuring Prometheus

On the hosting machine

  • Copy sample file from config-sample/prometheus/prom.yml to the prometheus sub-directory within your config folder

  • If you want to write prometheus data to a remote prometheus instance, please define these 4 variables :

    • remote_write_url: The URL of the endpoint to which to push remote writes
    • remote_write_external_labels: The labels to add to your data, to identify the writes from this cluster
    • remote_write_username: The username to use to push the writes
    • remote_write_password: The password to use to push the writes
  • You can configure which prometheus components you want to deploy :

  • deploy_prometheus: true to deploy prometheus

  • deploy_node_exporter: requires prometheus deployment. Set to true to gather data about the k8s nodes.

  • deploy_kube_control_plane_monitoring: requires prometheus deployment. Set to true to gather data about the kube controle plane.

  • deploy_kube_state_metrics: requires prometheus deployment. Set to true to gather data about kube metrics.

  • deploy_element_service_monitors: Set to true to create ServiceMonitor resources into the K8S cluster. Set it to true if you want to monitor your element services stack using prometheus.

  • You can choose to deploy grafana on the cluster :

    • deploy_grafana: true
    • grafana_fqdn: The FQDN of the grafana application
    • grafana_data_path: /mnt/data/grafana
    • grafana_data_size: 1G

After running the installer, open the FQDN of Grafana. The initial login user is admin and password is admin. You'll be required to set a new password, please define one secured and keep it in a safe place.