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Verify new Login

When you log in to a new device/session, you must verify the login and connect it to cross signing and secret storage to access your backed up encryption keys for historical messages. This assumes you already have configured cross signing, see Set up Cross Signing.

  1. Log in to Element with your username and password
    Element Web login screen

  2. Choose one of the methods below for cross signing

Compare emojis using another login

  1. Click Use another login
    Element login screen
  2. On another device/session that is connected to cross signing, click Accept
    New session Verification request
  3. Click Start Choose method to Verify other login
  4. Compare the emojis on your new and old sessions. They should be the same emojis and in the same order. Click They match on both sessions
    Compare emojis
  5. If all was successful, you should get this green shield on both sessions. Click Got it. Your new device/session is now verified and will download your backed up message encryption keys
    Session verified green shield

Scan QR code on another login

Login is here demonstrated on Element Android

  1. On your phone, tap Verify this login
    Verify this login from Element Android
  2. Your phone is now waiting for you to accept from another device
    Waiting for another session to accept verification request
  3. On another device/session that is connected to cross signing, click Accept
    New session Verification request
  4. On your phone, tab Scan with this device
    Scan with this device
  5. Using your phone, scan the QR code shown on your other session
    QR code scanner on Element Android
    QR code for verification shown on the other session
  6. Your phone waits for you to confirm green shield on your other session. Click Yes
    Element Android waiting for other session
    Verify by scanning - both sessions should show the same green shield
  7. Tap Done on your phone
    Element Android - session verified
  8. If all was successful, you should get this green shield on both sessions. Click Got it. Your new device/session is now verified and will download your backed up message encryption keys
    Session verified green shield

Using your Security Key

  1. Click Use Security Key
    Verify this login, choose between using another device or entering security key
  2. Enter your Security key when prompted and click Continue
    Enter Security Key
  3. If all was successful, you should get this green shield on both sessions. Click Got it. Your new device/session is now verified and will download your backed up message encryption keys
    Session verified green shield