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Element Server Suite Documentation LTS 24.04
We recommend upgrading to the latest LTS 24.10, before doing so please upgrade to the latest patch release available. For customers using the GroupSync integration, it is recommended to turn on Dry Run mode before performing an upgrade.
Installation of Core Components
Breakdown of each section present within the installer, detailing each configurable option. Including how each choice functions, the config it generates and general guidance.
Advanced Configuration
Need help doing something more advanced? See guides for Helm Chart installs, Synapse Workers and more!
Migrating? Automate your deployment? Configuring Backups? Guides for Administrators here!
Support and Troubleshooting
Need some help? Start here for Troubleshooting guides and how to get in touch for Support
Synapse Section: Federation
Detailed information on configuring homeserver Federation including Trusted Key Servers. Federation is the process by which users on different servers can participate in the same room. For this to work, all servers participating in a room m...
Synapse Section
The Synapse configuration options for your Matrix Homeserver incl. registration & encryption. Config: Synapse is the Matrix homeserver that powers ESS, in this section you will be customising settings relating to your h...
Host Section
Initial configuration options specific to the installer, including how ESS should be deployed. Config: The first section of the ESS installer GUI is the Host section, here you will configure essential details of how ESS...
Domains Section
Configure the domains ESS should use for the main components deployed by ESS. Config: The second section of the ESS installer GUI is the Domains section, here you will configure the fully-qualified domain names for each...
Cluster Section
Settings specific to the environment which you are deploying ESS into such as CA. Config: In the Cluster section you will find options to configure settings specific to the cluster which Element Deployment will run on t...
Element Web Section
Configuration options relating to the deployed Element Web instance provided by ESS. Config: Element Web is the web-based client for the Matrix communication protocol. Element Web serves as a user interface for accessin...
Homeserver Admin Section
Configuration options relating to the deployed Homeserver Admin instance provided by ESS. Config: Homeserver Admin is the web-based client for the Synapse Admin API. Homeserver Admin serves as a user interface for admin...
Integrator Section
Configuration options relating to the Integrator provided by ESS. Config: In the Integrator section you will find options to configure settings specific to the integrator which is use...
Kubernetes Override Sections
Found in under Advanced in any section where you configure a component of the installer, under the Kubernetes heading. Here you can override Kubernetes configuration for each component. Common Annotations In Kubernetes, annotations are key-value pairs associ...
Synapse Section: Additional Config
The Additional Config section, which allows including config not currently configurable via the UI from the Configuration Manual, is available under the 'Advanced' section of the Synapse page. We strongly advise against including any config not configurable vi...
Synapse Section: Delegated Auth
A detailed look at Delegated Authentication options available and setup examples. At present, we support delegating the authentication of users to the following provider interfaces: LDAP SAML OIDC When enabling Delegated Auth, you can sti...
Installing Element Server Suite
First-time installation, Upgrading or Reconfiguring ESS? See here for advice on getting started. First-Time Installation Make sure you've read the Requirements and Recommendations page so your environment is ready for installation. Running ...
Certificates Section
Configure and/or provide the certificates that should be used for each domain served by ESS. Config: The third section of the ESS installer GUI is the Domains section, here you will configure the certificates to use for...
How to run a Webserver on Standalone Deployments
This guide is does not come with support by Element. It is not part of the Element Server Suite (ESS) product. Use at your own risk. Remember you are responsible of maintaining this software stack yourself. Some config options require a web content to be serve...
Notifications, MDM & Push Gateway
The stock Android and iOS Apps will use an Element owned Push Gateway to send Notification via the Apple or Google Notifiction Services. The URL of our push gateway is The apps will on startup register with the Google ...
Verifying ESS releases against Cosign
Cosign ESS Verification Key ESS does not use Cosign transaction log to be able to support airgapped deployment. We are instead relying on a public key that you can ask if you need to run image verification in your cluster. The ESS Cosign public key is the foll...
ESS CRDs support in ArgoCD
ArgoCD can support getting the ESS CRDs Status as resource health using Custom Health Checks You need to configure the following under the configmap argocd-cm of argocd : data: resource.customizations: |*: health.lua: | h...
Backup and Restore
An ESS Administrators focused guide on backing up and restoring Element Server Suite. { margin-bottom: 0px; } Welcome, ESS Administrators. This guide is crafted for your...
What's supported and how to get in touch! Getting in touch Need some help? Simply log in to your EMS Control Panel with the EMS Account associated with your Element Server Suite Enterprise subscription. T...
Automating ESS Deployment
Understand your ESS configuration files and how you can automate ESS deployment(s). The .element-enterprise-server Directory Config examples included on this page may not up-to-date and are solely provide...