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111 total results found

Setting up Permalinks With the Installer

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L...

Element Extra Configurations Please go to the "Element Web" page of the installer, click on "Advanced" and add the following to "Additional Configuration": { "permalinkPrefix": "https://<element fqdn>" } Re-run the installer.

LTS 23.10

Setting up Delegated Authentication With the Installer

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L...

Delegated Authentication At present, we support delegating the authentication of users to the following provider interfaces: LDAP SAML OIDC CAS When enabling Delegated Auth, you can still allow local users managed by Element to connect to the instance Whe...

LTS 23.10

Setting up Group Sync with the Installer

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

What is Group Sync? Group Sync allows you to use the ACLs from your identity infrastructure in order to set up permissions on Spaces and Rooms in the Element Ecosystem. Please note that the initial version we are providing only supports a single node, non-fede...

LTS 23.10

Setting up GitLab, GitHub, JIRA and Webhooks Integrations With the Installer

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

In Element Server Suite, our GitLab, GitHub, and JIRA extensions are provided by the hookshot package. This documentation explains how to configure hookshot. Configuring Hookshot with the Installer From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under ...

LTS 23.10

Using the Installer in an Air-Gapped Environment

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L...

Defining Air-Gapped Environments An air-gapped environment is any environment in which the running hosts will not have access to the greater internet. This proposes a situation in which these hosts are unable to get access to various needed bits of software fr...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up Jitsi and TURN With the Installer

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Configure the Installer to install Jitsi and TURN Prerequisites Firewall You will have to open the following ports to your microk8s host (or k8s cluster) to enable coturn and jitsi : For jitsi : 30301/tcp 30300/udp For coturn, allow the following ports :...

LTS 23.10

Documentation covering v1 and installers prior to 2022-07.03

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Archived Documentation Repository


LTS 23.10

Setting up Adminbot and Auditbot

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Overview Adminbot allows for an Element Administrator to become admin in any existing room or space on a managed homeserver. This enables you to delete rooms for which the room administrator has left your company and other useful administration actions. Auditb...

LTS 23.10

Kubernetes Installations

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L...

Overview Our Installer can handle the installation of Element Enterprise into your existing production kubernetes (k8s) environment. Server minimum requirements The ESS deployment resource usage is described in ESS Sizing. Prerequisites Before beginning the in...

LTS 23.10

Single Node Installs: Storage and Backup Guidelines

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L...

General storage recommentations for single-node instances /data is where the standalone deployment installs PostgreSQL data and Element Deployment data. It should be a distinct mount point. Ideally this would have an independent lifecycle from the server it...

LTS 23.10

Setting up On-Premise Metrics

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Setting up VictoriaMetrics and Grafana From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "Monitoring" For the provided prom.yml, see the following descriptions of the parameters: If you want to write prometheus data to a remote prometheus instanc...

LTS 23.10

Setting up Location Sharing

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Overview The ability to send a location share, whether static or live, is available without any additional configuration. However, when receiving a location share, in order to display it on a map, the client must have access to a tile server. If it does not, t...

LTS 23.10

Documentation Covering Installers From 2022.07.03 to 2022.09.05

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Archived Documentation Repository


LTS 23.10

Setting Up the Telegram Bridge

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring Telegram bridge On Telegram platform Login to to get a telegram app ID and hash (get from ). You should use a phone number associated to your company. Basic config From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "Tel...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up the Teams Bridge

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring Teams Bridge Register with Microsoft Azure You will first need to generate an "Application" to serve connect your Teams bridge with Microsoft. Connect to Azure on ...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up the IRC Bridge

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Matrix IRC Bridge The Matrix IRC Bridge is an IRC bridge for Matrix that will pass all IRC messages through to Matrix, and all Matrix messages through to IRC. Please also refer to the bridges' specific documentation for additional guidance. For usage of the IR...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up the XMPP Bridge

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring the XMPP Bridge The XMPP bridge relies on the xmpp "component" feature. It is an equivalent of matrix application services. You need to configure an XMPP Component on an XMPP Server that the bridge will use to bridge matrix and xmpp user. On the ho...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up the SIP Bridge

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring SIP bridge Basic config From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "SIP Bridge" For the provided sipbridge.yml, please see the following documentation: - `postgres_create_in_cluster`: `true` to create the postgres db into the k8s...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up Well Known Delegation

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L...

Well Known Delegation Configuration From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "Well-Known Delegation". Add any client configuration here: A sample client configuration might look like: { "im.vector.riot.jitsi": { "preferredDo...

LTS 23.10

Setting Up Hydrogen

🗃️ Element Server Suite Documentation L... Integrations and Add-Ons

Configuring Hydrogen From the Installer's Integrations page, click "Install" under "Hydrogen". For the hydrogen.yml presented by the installer, edit the file and ensure the following values are set: hydrogen_fqdn is the FQDN that will be used for accessing h...

LTS 23.10